Opencanvas 7 magic wand
Opencanvas 7 magic wand

opencanvas 7 magic wand

I fell in love with the program after using it for a few minutes and was so happy that it worked well. I got this program yesterday and started making a drawing.

opencanvas 7 magic wand

It sucks, and I really wish none of this happened, but I'm glad I was able to get a refund. And if you have been using OC7, and it just now started acting like this, you will loose all of your art, and will have to recreate it, unless you have taken a picture/screen shot of it, or uploaded it to twitter, tumblr, instagram, ect. I wish there was a better way, because this program was amazing, but if you want to create digital art without any big problems, your only option will probably be getting a refund and buying a different program.


But PGI still has no idea what was wrong, so I recommend going to the steam support page, clicking on OC7, and clicking on "problem with purchase", ask them for a full refund, and buy a working program. They gave me my money back, and I bought FireAlpacaSE, and it's so much better. was unable to help me, so I had to tell steam that there was a problem with my purchase, inform them that I was an unhappy customer, and tell them to give me a full refund.

opencanvas 7 magic wand

So now I’m stuck with a broken, $50 program, that I can’t return because I’ve used it for over two hours.


UPDATE 2: they said they don’t know how to fix the problem, and that they couldn’t recreate what happened. I will probably update on progress of fixing OC7 in one or two weeks, because that's how long it took them to reply to my email, and hopefully it gets fixed really soon! So hopefully they see that people are having issues with OC7 and try to fix it soon. None of the solutions they had worked, but I did inform them that someone else was having the same issue and made sure to put emphasis on the 7 so there is less confusion, because I guess they're used to seeing complaints for OC6 instead of OC7. UPDATE: I contacted Portal Graphics Support, they seem to think I'm having issues with OpenCanvas 6, and gave me a solution to fix that program instead of a way to fix OpenCanvas 7.

Opencanvas 7 magic wand